kevin o.'s review of Biltmore Body & Paint

Biltmore Body & Paint

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/26/2010
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Review 4/26/2010
I would never tell any on to go to this shop for repairs. First of all I took my 05 scion to them for a repair in Dec 07. They had to replace the rear bumper cover and the crush blocs behind the cover. Earlier this month I found breaks in the paint from trash under it that had worn though. Took the car to them to get it fixed because the work was guaranteed for as long as I owned the car. They agreed to do the work. I dropped the car off at 8am on the 12th of April 2010. At 10am the car was still outside. They called me back and said the car was ready for me to pick it up at 230 the same day. To do this repair they had to remove the rear bumper cover and repair the spots in then replace it back on the car. When I went to pick the vehicle up I looked the car over there was still trash in the clear coat but in different spots from before. I went inside told Tony that there was problems with the repair and he refused to come outside to look at it. I told him that I wasn't taking the vehicle that they was going to fix mine. I told him that I was taking the rental car and that when they fixed it I would pick it up. He told me if I took the rental that he wasn't paying for it. I am still trying to get this problem resolved with my insurance company. This problem would of been easily fixed if Tony was not a hot head and went out to look at the car in the first place.
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Hours   Phone   (828) 252-1192 Address   97 Thompson Street
Asheville, NC 28803
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Contact   Tonya McMahan Other  
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