Review 3/15/2011
The result was a new mortgage plan of 2% interest only, for two years so we can catch up and my husband finds a job. We thank this company and are very satisfied with the results we received.
We had extreme circumstances as we had fell behind by 3 months and by talking to the lender we gave away a lot of info that we should not of. We had equity in our home, the lender wanted it.
We got in touch with LMF and submitted as much info as they requested and they let us know what we needed to do by working closely with them.
Sometimes it seemed forever waiting for replies from them but they did get back with us within I'd say 3 days was the longest I had to wait, which seemed like forever. They recommended we keep making whatever payments we could to the lender, "Just make the payments" was the best guidance we had, even though they were late and not enough the lender could NOT SAY WE WEREN'T Paying. Fact is, we are in the business of advertising so we knew the importance of keeping true with the signed agreement. We never let more than 15 days go by without calling them etc.