Ann J.'s review of PlanetHospital


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/17/2013
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Don't dare to ask questions of PlanetHospital
I contacted PlanetHospital to get information on surrogacy in India and spoke with Geoff Moss. As I'm sure you can understand, I had many questions as a prospective Intended Parent. Geoff didn't answer very many of them and those he did were answered with
vague blow-offs or only after repeated asking. Most of Geoff's time was spent trying to get me to go to Mexico, not India "because it's easier" I finally had to ask, "Easier for whom?" My husband is Indian and we've been there many times. We fulfill all the
requirements India has set out for surrogate parents (heterosexual couple married at least 2 years) and even have family there, making a long stay much less stressful and less expensive. And yet all Geoff seemed to do was try to throw stumbling blocks in our
way, all the while saying that PlanetHospital would work with us in India "if we want" but that Mexico was much easier. I had my answer. Mexico was easier for PlanetHospital, not for me. I still wonder why that is. After I made it very clear that my husband
and I wanted to do surrogacy in India I was sent my last email from Geoff, dismissing me and my concerns by telling me that I'm "window shopping" and to contact them when I'm done. No thank you, PlanetHospital. I fail to see why asking questions of a provider
who will potentially change my life is "window shopping" and I most certainly wouldn't trust any company who refuses to answer those questions. 11/7/13- Please note that as of this date the link to confidential emails between myself and Mr. Rupak (included
in his updated response) has been removed by Trustlink. However, to the best of my knowledge the document is still available online. -Ann J.
Business's response - by rudyrupakon 11/14/2013
Dear Ann, My name is Rudy Rupak, I am the CEO of Planet Hospital, I am sorry to hear that you felt you were be pushed towards our surrogacy program in Mexico. Over the last year we have faced many unnecessary difficulties with surrogacy in India as a result of the surrogacy restrictions that were put in place December 2012. We have had several cases involving married heterosexual couples that faced difficulties in India where it was extremely difficult to get the baby out of the country or to even get approval for a medical visa. Unlike other surrogacy agencies we are able to provide our clients with an alternative to India; Mexico and Thailand. Both destinations have very successful surrogacy programs with a lot less bureaucracy. I urge you to read the following story . As of August 2013 there is now a proposal to only permit surrogacy in India only to married, infertile couples of Indian origin. We would love to have the opportunity to help you should you give us the chance. ---------- Ann, since the above was first written I have answered your questions and you have expressed a great deal of happiness. Here are some of your quotes from emails to me over the past 2 months. Suddenly though you stopped all communication with us and you refuse to modify this undeserving review. I am told that one of our disgruntled IPs who has nothing better to do with her life than grind an ax for my neck has gotten to you and has influenced you to go to India and I wish you well, but the above review is no longer relevant and a search of your name and Planethospital will bear that out quite easily.
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